Two weeks ago I took a Friday off because… well… Inauguration Day wasn’t a moment of celebration on my radar.

Last week we were up in Orlando for Pro Bowl practice.

Luckily, I’m back with even more things I’ve done over the last two weeks. I hope your week was awesome.


The trying times of journalists as Trump takes office.

Warren Buffett and a birth control revolution.

I’m pulling myself together every day to read Obama things, but it’s mostly because I’m missing him so much. Here he talks about his love for writing and books and I’m a full-on mess. Also why are his favorite authors my favorite authors??

Which leads me to the book I just finished — Song of Solomon — one that Obama mentioned here. It’s merely a coincidence that I read this book and then learn the impact it had on him.

Empowerment shemshowerment.

Look at all these countries that believe in equality for all.

In heartbreaking news, girls start believing men are smarter than women as young as six years old. SIX.

A non-comprehensive but extremely helpful list of books everyone needs to read for Black History Month.

NextDraft. Every. Day.

In books: Zelda.


It costs minimum wage workers more than two years’ worth of salary to get married.

One Fort Lauderdale man watched his father die from oral cancer and his mother battle it three times. Now he’s fighting back with science.

Florida legislators introduce gun safety bills into House and Senate, although no one knows how far they’ll make it.

Looking back on the last decade, 31 things I’m telling my 21-year-old self.


Pancakes. All of the pancakes.

And that goes back to when I was in Orlando last weekend, when I ate pancakes and all of the things at The Coop — a Southern restaurant brought to us by the wonderful people who made 4Rivers possible.


Still catching up on the Longform Podcast, which is consistently amazing.

Newly nerding out as I start the New York Public Library Podcast, which is quite similar in style and excellency.